Saturday, August 18, 2012

It Rained the Whole Time!

My husband is so smart.
After looking at all of my work on gallery walls he said, "You know what would make your art even better? All of your animals are happy. You should do some that are sad or angry, with different emotions." What he said was true, so I got right to work. These animals are all sad, bored or cold because it has rained their entire vacation at Okoboji (Arnold's Park is in the background.)

I am looking forward to finishing this painting and exploring more emotions.


  1. I love it! and your husband IS smart!

  2. Your husband was right. But it's not actually our, illustrators', fault that we draw happy characters all the time. Most of the stories for kids are happy stories and we just get used to this face :) rather than those :( :/ :o

    Can't wait to see this illustration finished!
