Saturday, August 18, 2012

It Rained the Whole Time!

My husband is so smart.
After looking at all of my work on gallery walls he said, "You know what would make your art even better? All of your animals are happy. You should do some that are sad or angry, with different emotions." What he said was true, so I got right to work. These animals are all sad, bored or cold because it has rained their entire vacation at Okoboji (Arnold's Park is in the background.)

I am looking forward to finishing this painting and exploring more emotions.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chalk Stock

 I participated in Chalk Stock again this year, hosted by A Piece of Work Inc. in Spirit Lake, IA. It was another great experience and I won first place, along with $300! What will I do with the prize money? Invest in more prints, of course : )
Several artists began to gather in the morning to begin their creations. All work had to be completed by 4:30 for judging. This year I choose to do a 4 by 4 square rather then the 4 by 8 size I did last year. I had a chance to breathe this time!
I noticed that after a year of practicing watercolor illustration I draw differently. Last year I completely rendered each section before moving on. This year I began with more line drawing, as you can see in the second picture.
Everyone's lovely work will last until the next rainfall!